All posts by reza bashiri

How to avoid react material-table column from editing

To avoid this there are two option at “editable” props of material table editable: “never” and editable: “onUpdate” as its clear it could be chosen when a column should be editable columns: [ { title: “Name”, field: “name”, editable: “onUpdate” }, { title: “Surname”, field: “surname”, editable: “never” }, { title: “Birth Year”, field: “birthYear”,…

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C#10 new cool features in practice, part 1

In this article, we’ll look at some most important C#10 features Global Using Statements: Adding using statements for some common libraries and namespaces like “System.Collections.Generic” or “System.Threading.Tasks” would be somehow frustrated, especially in middle level and big projects. Now C# 10 comes with 2 cool features to ease this pain, One of them is using…

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