chat gpt

CHAT-GPT llvm ai: Everything about it

  About ChatGPT llvm ai:   Since its launch in November 2022, ChatGPT, OpenAI’s AI-powered text-generating chatbot, has rapidly gained global popularity. Initially designed to enhance productivity by generating essays and code with simple text prompts, ChatGPT is now utilized by over 92% of Fortune 500 companies. This surge in usage has catapulted OpenAI into…

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Domain Driven and Modular Design! part 2

Clean architecture Mostly about how to organize your file structures to make it easier for all developers to be part of the development team, by following clean architecture, all base code seems unified and easy to understand. Clean architecture is also known as clean code and Onion architecture because it’s layered break down and contains…

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Domain Driven and Modular Design! part 1

Domain Driven Design Literally defined by Uncle Bob as “Tackling complexity in the heart of software”, in another world, all the aim of bringing technical concepts and business together concepts under a ubiquitous language classified as domain-driven design. Before any practical action, we have to understand the main concepts inside it however I am not…

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Add .net6 to visual studio 2019

Might you’ve faced not the availability of .Net 6 option in visual studio 2019 even after installing .net 6 SDK if so follow these two simple steps to make it available in it: 1-Make sure your visual studio is up to date, by referring to Help -> Check for updates 2-Have to enable to using…

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